Capture your grief – Day 4 – Support Circles 

I have a few support circles in this journey of mine.

The biggest and most constant one is my SIL. She spent time with my Milo while he was alive and she was there for me both during his life and after his death. She is never more than a text message away. She visits his grave on his birthday, anniversary and at Christmas which is more than I could ever ask for. She remembers my boy whenever she goes away on holiday. My Milo’s name has been on many beaches thanks to her. Thank you Kat for everything you do. I wouldn’t be this well if not for you. Knowing you are there helps me in more ways than you know.

My major support, especially in the early days was a online group called PAIL. It was here that I was able to talk about my Milo with other angel mums who understood the feelings of anger, grief, denial and more anger. I now co-admin the group to help the never ending stream of new loss mums (I wish it would though).

I also have my FB ladies. They were there once the initial dark days had passed. They also were there in the scary times of wanting another baby, being pregnant with a rainbow baby and then raising that baby (now toddler). Having a rainbow would have been 100 times more scary without them. 

I am also so grateful for anyone who listens to me talk about my Milo. Each time I say his name it’s like he is here with me. Thank you for not walking away while I try to get a grip on my emotions. 

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